sábado, 16 de abril de 2016



How´s everything there? 6 weeks have already gone since we arrived in Edinburgh and they´ve been the best of my life. Hope the next 6 be the same and continue learning as I´ve done until now. Living alone and doing everything for myself has helped me in a different ways and I think that I´m changing part of me here. My mates are so nice and I feel very lucky for having this people around me sharing with me this experience.

At work everything continue in the same way than the last time I wrote. My boss is so kind and he tries to give me the most work as he can for me to learn. I can speak with him about everything and I really like going to work. I think I´m gonna miss it too when I back.

Apart from the personal life and work, we continue exploring Edinburgh and surrundings. The city has a lot of streets that are hidden and it´s amazing to find them and all the corners. Also the beach and the coast of the city... It´s so long and you need like a hole day to see everything. We´ve not been at highlinds yet, but in may I´ll go so I´ll write you all about it. But here you have different pics from Edinburgh coast and a especial cementery of the city.

Here the cementeries aren´t a place to leavy flowers and cry. They do picnics and play there... Incredible! One day we went to Greyfriars cementery and I took so photos there. We went to Cramond island too. The difference between the tides are incredible and make this island a "must" in a visit to this city.

I hope you like it and see you soon!!!!

Kisseeees from Edinburgh!!!

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Irakasleak Danimarkan

Martxoko hirugarren astean Armeria Eskolako Gari Garmendia eta Asier Gabilondo eta Meka Lanbide Eskolako Ana Molina Dinamarkan egon ginen, bi ikastetxeon artean eramaten ari garen Ospitale Arreta proiektuarekin erlazionatuta. Astelehenetik ostiralera Copenhagen-en egon ginen, eta handik gertu dagoen Ringsted herriko Sosu Sjælland ikastetxea bisitatu genuen. Oso harrera ona egin zigun bertako arduradunak, Annete Kay, eta beraien lana azaldu ziguten. Ospitale Arreta proiektuarekin erlazionatuta, pertsona ezinduen eta hauen zaintzaileen ongizaterako daukaten tailerra erakutsi ziguten baita ere, beraien ikasleekin erabiltzen dutena. Oso ekipamendu berritzailea eta interesgarria aurkitu genuen bertan.

Adimen urritasuna daukaten pertsonek lan egiten duten jantoki bat ere ezagutu genuen, eta bertako janari goxoak dastatu ere! Oso giro atsegina aurkitu genuen eta oso pozik zeuden gure bisitarekin, beraiek esan zigutenez.

Odense hirira ere bidaiatu genuen, bertako Danish Technological Institute berrikuntza zentrua bisitatzera. Bertan, robotika industriala eta pertsona ezinduen ongizaterako departamentuak ikusi genituen, eta beraien lanaren aurkezpen bat egin ziguten.

Bidaia oso aberasgarria izan da, oso jende atsegina ezagutu dugu eta esperientziak konpartitu ahal izan ditugu. Eta argi geratu zaigu Copenhagen hirian mugitzeko modurik onena bizikleta dela!

Irakasle guztiak animatu nahi genituzke horrelako esperientzietan parte hartzera, eta eskerrak eman nahi genioke Armeria Eskolako Internazionalizazio departamentuari emandako laguntza eta aukera guztiengatik, lan bikaina egiten ari zarete!!